Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Algona School Board approves budget cuts.

The Algona School Board met Monday night in monthly session.
The Board approved over one million dollars in budget cuts for the next fiscal year
and another four people have applied for the districts early retirment program.
Nine people have applied for early retirment in the district in two months time.

Some other news and notes from the latest meeting of the Algona School Board:
School District Business Manager Carol Kenyon has submitted a letter of resignation after 40 years on the job.
School Board accepted a letter of agreement allowing Jason Bradley and Jim McMahon to serve as Varsity Boys Track co coaches for
the High School.
The Public hearing date on the proposed school budget for the next fiscal year was set for April 7th at 8pm.
The number of students signed up for the ongoing process of Kindergarten round up stands at 98 which is higher than last year at this time, 113 students enrolled last fall.
The Football team will be conducting a fundraiser on April 13th that will feature Tonic Sol Fa in concert.
School Board has accepted the proposed calender for the 2008-2009 School year,
the first day of school is August 20th and the last day of school is May 26th.
School Board approved a proposal to repeal the silo tax and replace it with a state penny as reccomended to do so by Superintendent Marty Fonley.

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