Friday, January 4, 2008

County Democratic Caucus Breakdown.

Taking a look of Democratic Caucus results for the Counties in the listening area:

Senator Barack Obama won in Kossuth County getting 47 delegates to the County Convention, Senator John Edwards was second with 40 and Senator Hillary Clinton was 3rd with 36.

Senator Hillary Clinton won in Palo Alto County picking up 62 County Covention Delegates, Senator Barack Obama picked up 52 and Senator John Edwards got 40.

Senators Hillary Clinton and John Edwards finished in a tie in Emmet County getting 17 delegates to the County Convention apiece, Seantor Barack Obama got 16.

Senator John Edwards won in Pocahontas County picking up 18 County Convention Delegates, Senator Hillary Clinton picked up 16 and Senator Barack Obama 9.

Senator Hillary Clinton won in Hancock County getting 22 delegates to the County Convention, Senator Barack Obama picked up 20 and Senator John Edwards picked up 19.

Senator John Edwards won in Humboldt County picking up 17 delegates to the County Convention, Senator Hillary Clinton picked up 15 and Senator Barack Obama picked up 13.

Senator Hillary Clinton won in Winnebago County picking up 35 County Convention Delegates, Senator Barack Obama picked up 31 and Senator John Edwards picked up
29 delegates.

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