Friday, November 16, 2007

Iowa Policy Project Founder, Researcher to Speak in Humboldt on November 17th.

David Osterberg, the founder and executive director of the Iowa Policy Project will be the featured speaker at the annual Humboldt Regional CCI raffle fundraiser on Saturday, November 17th at the Humboldt Senior Citizens Center in Humboldt. The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.

Osterberg has an M.S. in water resources management and another in agricultural economics. He is Clinical Associate Professor at the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health at the University of Iowa. He is a former Iowa state representative who served as chairman of the House Energy and Environmental Protection Committee as well as the Agriculture Committee.

Dr. Jan Flora will also be speaking at the meeting. Flora is a sociologist at Iowa State University who studies the impact of factory farms on the environment and economy of rural communities. He was the lead author of a recently released Iowa Policy Project study linking factory farms to decreased water quality and environmental degradation.

The meeting will also include a raffle drawing and updates on local factory farm fights and upcoming CCI events. The raffle fundraiser helps support the Humboldt Regional CCI’s work supporting family farms and the environment.

Humboldt Regional CCI is a chapter of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, a statewide organization made up of thousands of members across Iowa from all walks of life who talk, act and get things done on critical issues impacting everyday Iowans. For more information about the November 17th meeting contact Norma Hauck at (515) 378-3201

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